Jessi is haunted by odd creature all day long. She often hears mysterious voices and often sees shadow occult creature that make her madness, difficult to differentiate imagination with reality. Actually she was sent a blac magic by Nino who wish to return with her. The situation was changed since Jessi met with Kevin, a kindhearted young man and they try to closer each other. They try to stop black magic from Nino but terror was not stopped. Jessi remain to experience the same thing because Nino still terrorizing her. But Nino experiences were same as Jessi, both of them pursued by the creatures during 40 days. Both of them must overcome whatever and however the way or they will be terrorized for a lifetime.
Irwansyah, Raffi Ahmad, Sabai Morsek, Connie Sutedja
Irwansyah, Raffi Ahmad, Sabai Morsek, Connie Sutedja
Rudi Soedjarwo